Sowing Information

The list of what, when and how can be cultivated using our vertical farming solutions

What can be grown?

# Herbs Fruits & Vegetables Edible Flowers Ornamental Flowers
1 Angelica Amaranth (vegetable type) Calendula Ageratum
2 Anise Hyssop Arugula Carthamus Agrostemma
3 Basil, all types Bayam Dianthus Ammi
4 Bee Balm Beans: Lima, bush, pole, shell, fava, green Hyacinth Bean Amaranth, Globe
5 Borage Broccoli Marigolds Amaranthus
6 Calendula Broccoli Raab Monarda Artemisia
7 Catmint Brussels Sprouts Nasturtiums Aster
8 Catnip Cabbage and Chinese cabbage Pansies Bells of Ireland
9 Chamomile Cauliflower Salvia Bupleurum
10 Chervil Chard, all types Scarlet Runner Bean Cardoon
11 Chives Chicory Sunflowers (dwarf varieties only) Centaurea
12 Cilantro (Coriander) and Culantro Collards Violas Celosia
13 Citrus Basil Cucumbers Coleus
14 Cumin Cress Cosmos
15 Cutting Celery Dandelion, Italian Craspedia
16 Dandelion Eggplant, European and Asian Datura
17 Dill Endive Delphinium
18 Echinacea (Coneflower) Escarole Digitalis
19 Epazote Garbanzo beans Eucalyptus
20 Feverfew Gourds, edible and ornamental Euphorbia
21 Flax Kale Forget-me-not
22 Garlic Chives Kohlrabi Hibiscus
23 Goldenseal Leeks Impatiens
24 Hyssop Lettuce, all types Kale, ornamental
25 Lavender Mesclun Varieties Morning Glory
26 Leaf Fennel Melons, all types Nigella
27 Lemon Balm Misome Petunia
28 Lemon Grass Mizuna Phlox
29 Lovage Mustard Greens Poppy
30 Marjoram Ngo Gai Polygonum
31 Mexican Mint Marigold Okra Ptilotus
32 Mibura Pak Choy Safflower
33 Milk Thistle Peas, all types Salpiglossis
34 Mint, all varieties Peppers, all types Rudbeckia
35 Nettle Radicchio Sanvitalia
36 Oregano Sorrel Scabiosa
37 Parsley (leafy types only) Spinach Snapdragon
38 Passion Flower Squash, all types Statice
39 Pleurisy Root Strawberries Stock
40 Pyrethrum Tomatoes, all types Strawflower
41 Rosemary Sweet Peas
42 Rue Thunbergia
43 Sage Verbena
44 Salad Burnet Yarrow
45 Saltwort Zinnia
46 Savory
47 Shiso
48 Stevia
49 Thyme
50 Valerian
51 Wormwood

When to seed Flowers?

# Plant Time to sow seeds or plant saplings or take cuttings Time to bloom
1 Jasmine sambac/ Mogra Feb-April April-July (Summer)
2 Jasminum grandiflorum/ Chameli Feb-April April-July (Summer)
3 Jaminum molle / Indian Jui Feb-April April-July (Summer)
4 Catharanthus roseus/ Saadabahar Feb-June All year
5 Salvia Oct- Dec Jan – Feb
6 Petunia Oct-Dec Sep –Feb
7 Pelargonium Feb-April Sep – Feb
8 Marigold/ Genda phool April-May (Summer, Fall)
9 Pansy April-June, Dec-Jan Jan- Feb (Spring, Early Summer, Fall, Winter)
10 Impatiens / Balsam April-May Nov- Jan (late spring, fall)
11 Hibiscus / Gudhal April-May June, Dec (summer, fall /year-round)
12 Cestrum / Raat Rani April-May April-July (spring, Summer)
13 Rose April-May Dec- Feb
14 Pentas April-May Nov-Feb (year-round)
15 Gerebra April-May Oct-Nov (Early spring –autumn)
16 Tabernaemontana divaricata / Tagar/ Chandani Feb-April Jan (Spring to fall / year round)
17 Allamanda April-May Sep (Summer, Fall / year round)
18 Cypress vine / Ganesh Bel April-May Sep-Nov (Summer, Fall)
19 Chineese Aster April-May Aug-Sep (Summer)
20 Zinnia April-May Oct-Jan (Spring-Early Fall)
21 Holy Basil/ Tulsi April-May (Summer-Early Fall)
22 Bougainvillea April-May Dec-Jan (Spring-Autumn)
23 Dahlia April-May Sep-Feb
24 Begonia April-May Sep-Feb
25 Dianthus April-May Oct-Dec, Feb (Except winter)
26 Celosia April-May (Mid, late summer, Early and mid fall) Sep

When to seed Vegetables?

# Vegetable Ideal C Range C Direct/ Transplant North India South India
1 Tinda 25 20-30 Direct Feb-Mar/ Jun-Jul Feb-Mar/ Jun-Jul
2 Bittergourd 25 20-30 Direct Feb-March/ June-July Nov-Dec/ Dec-Jan/ Jun-July
3 Bottlegourd 25 20-30 Direct Feb-March/ June-July Nov-Dec/ Dec-Jan/ Jun-July
4 Brinjal/ Eggplant 30 21-35 Transplant Jan-Feb/ May-Jun/ Oct-Nov Jun-Jul/ Oct-Nov/ Jan-Feb
5 Cabbage 20 10--20 Transplant Sep-Oct Jun-Jul/ Oct-Nov
6 Capsicum 21 15-25 Transplant Nov-Jan Jul-Aug/ Oct-Nov/ Jan-Feb
7 Cauliflower (early) 25 25-27 Transplant Mid-June Jun-Jul/ Aug-Sep
8 Cauliflower (late) 18 16-20 Transplant Aug-Sep-Oct Jun-Jul
9 Cauliflower (midseason) 15 <16 Transplant Sep-Oct Jun-Jul/ Aug-Sep
10 Cucumber 16 16-32 Direct Feb-March/ June-July Jun-July/ Sep-Oct/ Dec-Jan
11 Frenchbeans 20 16-30 Direct Feb-March
12 Lettuce 20 7--27 Transplant Sep-Oct Oct-Dec
13 Melon 27 22-32 Direct Jan-Feb Oct-Jan
14 Okra 25 20-32 Direct Feb-Mar/ Jun-Jul Jan-Feb/ May-Jun/ Oct-Dec
15 Peas 22 10--22 Direct Sep-Oct, Nov Sep-Oct, Nov
16 Pepper 30 18-32 Transplant Nov-Jan/ May-Jun Jan-Feb/ May-Jun/ Oct-Nov
17 Sembeans 30 25-35 Direct Jun-Jul Jun-Jul, Aug
18 Spinach 22 10--22 Direct Sep-Nov/ Feb Sep, Oct, Nov
19 Tomato 30 20-30 Transplant Jun-Aug/ Nov-Dec Jan-Feb/ Jun-Jul/ Oct-Nov
20 Watermelon 30 20-30 Direct Jan-Mar Oct-Jan


How much seeding depth is required?

# Vegetable Depth of seed (inches)
1 Asparagus 1--2
2 Beans, Broad 1-1.5
3 Beans, Lima
4 bush 1-1.5
5 pole 1-1.5
6 Snap or Green beans
7 bush 1-1.5
8 pole 1-1.5
9 Broccoli 1.5
10 Brussels Sprouts 0.25
11 Cabbage 0.25
12 Cauliflower 0.5
13 Celery 0.25
14 Chard 0.5
15 Chayote 5--6
16 Chick pea 0.5
17 Chicory 0.5
18 Chinese Cabbage 0.5
19 Collards 0.5
20 Cucumber 0.5
21 Eggplant 0.25
22 Endive 0.25
23 Kale 0.5
24 Leek Surface sow, cover lightly
25 Lettuce Surface sow, cover lightly
26 Muskmelon 1
27 Mustard 0.5
28 Okra 0.5
29 Peas 1
30 Peanut 1
31 Pepper 0.25
32 Pumpkin 1
33 Shallot 0.25
34 Sorrel 0.25
35 Soybean 0.5-1
36 Spinach 0.5
37 Squash, Summer 1
38 Squash, Winter 1
39 Tomato 0.25
40 Watermelon 1


How much EC and pH is needed?

As a general rule, plants will have a higher nutrient requirement during cooler months, and a lower requirement In the hottest months. Therefore, a stronger nutrient solution should be maintained during winter, With a weaker solution during summer when plants take up and transpire more water than nutrients.

# Plants pH cF EC PPM
1 Ambra radicchio 5.5-6.5
2 Artichoke 6.5-7.5 8--18 0.8-1.8 560-1260
3 Asparagus 6.0-6.8 14-18 1.4-1.8 980-1260
4 Bean (Common) 6 20-40 2-Apr 1400-2800
5 Beans (Italian bush) 6.0-6.5
6 Beans (Lima) 6.0-6.5
7 Beans (Pole) 6.0-6.5
8 Beetroot 6.0-6.5 8--50 0.8-5 1260-3500
9 Broad Bean 6.0-6.5 18-22 1.8-2.2 1260-1540
10 Broccoli 6.0-6.5 28-35 2.8-3.5 1960-2450
11 Brussell Sprout 6.5-7.5 25-30 2.5-3.0 1750-2100
12 Cabbage 6.5-7.0 25-30 2.5-3.0 1750-2100
13 Capsicum 6.0-6.5 18-22 1.8-2.2 1260-1540
14 Carrots 6.3 16-20 1.6-2.0 1120-1400
15 Cauliflower 6.0-7.0 5--20 0.5-2.0 1050-1400
16 Celery 6.5 18-24 1.8- 2.4 1260-1680
17 Collard greens 6.5-7.5
18 Cucumber 5.8-6.0 17-25 1.7-2.5 1190-1750
19 Eggplant 5.5-6.5 25-35 2.5-3.5 1750-2450
20 Endive 5.5 20-24 2.0-2.4 1400-1680
21 Fodder 6 18-20 1.8-2.0 1260-1400
22 Garlic 6 14-18 1.4-1.8 980-1260
23 Leek 6.5-7.0 14-18 1.4-1.8 980-1260
24 Lettuce 5.5-6.5 8--12 0.8-1.2 560-840
25 Marrow 6 18-24 1.8-2.4 1260-1680
26 Okra 6.5 20-24 2.0-2.4 1400-1680
27 Onions 6.0-6.7 14-18 1.4-1.8 980-1260
28 Pak-choi 7 15-20 1.5-2.0 1050-1400
29 Parsnip 6 14-18 1.4-1.8 980-1260
30 Pea 6.0-7.0 8--18 0.8-1.8 980-1260
31 Peas (Sugar) 6.0-6.8
32 Pepino 6.0-6.5 20-50 2.0-5.0 1400-3500
33 Peppers 5.8-6.3 20-30 2.0-3.0 1400-2100
34 Bell peppers 6.0-6.5 20-25 2.0-2.5 1400-1750
35 Hot Peppers 6.0-6.5 30-35 3.0-3.5 2100-2450
36 Potato 5.0-6.0 20-25 2.0-2.5 1400-1750
37 Pumpkin 5.5-7.5 18-24 1.8-2.4 1260-1680
38 Radish 6.0-7.0 16-22 1.6-2.2 840-1540
39 Spinach 5.5-6.6 18-23 1.8-2.3 1260-1610
40 Silverbeet 6.0-7.0 18-23 1.8-2.3 1260-1610
41 Sweet Corn 6 16-24 1.6-2.4 840-1680
42 Sweet Potato 5.5-6.0 20-25 2.0-2.5 1400-1750
43 Swiss chard 6.0 6.5
44 Squash (Summer) 5.0-6.5
45 Squash (Winter) 5.0-6.5
46 Taro 5.0-5.5 25-30 2.5-3.0 1750-2100
47 Tomato 5.5-6.5 20-50 2.0-5.0 1400-3500
48 Turnip 6.0-6.5 18-24 1.8-2.4 1260-1680
49 Zucchini 6.0 18-24 1.8-2.4 1260-1680
